Requires the Custom Music Container companion pack.

If no custom songs have been added, it will be silent. Custom Music Only: This limits the music to custom songs.Festive Music Only: This limits the music to festive songs.It doesn't use Creative, Water, Mountain, Cave, Nether, End, Credits, or Menu music. Oldest Music Only: This limits all music to songs from before the 2013 Music Update.Old Music Only: This limits overworld music to songs from before the 2013 Music Update and Nether music to songs from before the Nether Update.Total Music Mix (Any Song Plays Anywhere): This lets any music, including Credits, End, Boss, Nether, Water, Mountain, Cave, Menu, Survival, Creative, Music Discs, Custom, and Extra music play at any time.Terrain-Based Music - No Extra Songs: This limits music to songs that are in any base version of the game and separates them by terrain in the same way as the above option.Water, Mountain, and Cave music now play only in the relevant locations. Terrain-Based Music - Includes Extra Songs: This separates music more to give unique atmospheres to different places in the world.Dimension-Based Music - No Extra Songs: This limits the music to songs that are in any base version of the game, but otherwise matches the features listed above.Dimension-Based Music - Includes Extra Songs (Default): This is the normal setting of the pack with all the features listed above.

Each one includes different features and music tracks. There are multiple different pack options. Music disc music will still play from the jukebox regardless of setting chosen below. Any individual song can be played with the command "/playsound song.(Or the settings screen when not in a world.) An in-game music player has been added to the emote screen.The "ward" music disc has been replaced with Minecraft Volume Beta's "Ward", a remixed version of the original disc.

The "11" music disc has been replaced with Minecraft Volume Alpha's "Eleven", an actual song.Jukebox music is audible from 250 blocks away instead of the default 64.Nether Wastes, Crimson Forest, and Soul Sand Valley music play interchangeably with the original songs.Creative, Survival, Menu, Water, Cave, and Mountain music play interchangeably.Festive versions of Ballad of the Cats, Warmth, and The End have been added.Calm4 from Java Edition Alpha v1.1.1 has been added.All unused songs from the official soundtracks have been added.Music plays constantly with no silent periods.The following features are global, meaning they affect all pack options unless stated otherwise.